•  UT Medicine is committed  to keeping our patients healthy and serving our community amidst this crisis.   Wash your hands and limit close contact and large crowds.   Please call our office before coming in with respiratory symptoms. (731) 423-1932
    Call our appointment line at (731) 423-1932 or (800) 640-7589
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    NEW LOCATION – 700 West Forest Avenue, 5th Floor Jackson, TN

Same day walk-in appointments available

Appointments available during lunch hours

Call or schedule an appointment today.
(731) 423-1932

All Faculty Physicians are Board‑Certified


Family Medicine
Internal Medicine
Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine

Family Medicine – the medical specialty designed to provide health care to all family members, of all ages, including pregnant women. Family physicians prevent, diagnose, and treat diseases in patients of all ages.

Internal Medicine –  the medical specialty dealing with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of adult diseases.

Obstetrics/Gynecology – a broad and diverse specialty of medicine, including surgery, management of the care of pregnant women, gynecologic care, oncology, and primary health care for women.

Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine – Doctors of Osteopathic Medicine (DO’s), similarly to allopathic physicians (MD’s), diagnose, treat and prevent illness and injury.  In addition to medicine, they are trained to use osteopathic manipulative therapy, or OMT.  Using OMT, a DO moves a patient’s muscles and joints using techniques including stretching, gentle pressure and resistance.  OMT can be used to treat muscle pain, in addition to other problems, and In many cases, can be used to complement other treatment options. Like MD’s, DO’s can complete a residency in any specialty; our DO’s are trained in family medicine.

Family Medicine

Family Medicine – the medical specialty designed to provide health care to all family members, of all ages, including pregnant women. Family physicians prevent, diagnose, and treat diseases in patients of all ages.

Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine –  the medical specialty dealing with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of adult diseases.


Obstetrics/Gynecology – a broad and diverse specialty of medicine, including surgery, management of the care of pregnant women, gynecologic care, oncology, and primary health care for women.

Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine
Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine – Doctors of Osteopathic Medicine (DO’s), similarly to allopathic physicians (MD’s), diagnose, treat and prevent illness and injury.  In addition to medicine, they are trained to use osteopathic manipulative

Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine – Doctors of Osteopathic Medicine (DO’s), similarly to allopathic physicians (MD’s), diagnose, treat and prevent illness and injury.  In addition to medicine, they are trained to use osteopathic manipulative therapy, or OMT.  Using OMT, a DO moves a patient’s muscles and joints using techniques including stretching, gentle pressure and resistance.  OMT can be used to treat muscle pain, in addition to other problems, and In many cases, can be used to complement other treatment options. Like MD’s, DO’s can complete a residency in any specialty; our DO’s are trained in family medicine.